Font Aid VII: Here Comes The Sun
A collaborative typeface for Typhoon Haiyan relief
In November 2013, the Society of Typographic Aficionados organized Font Aid VII — a project uniting the typographic and design communities to raise funds for Philippine Red Cross relief efforts after the events of Typhoon Haiyan.
Over 275 designers from 46 countries contributed glyphs to the project with the goal of creating a typeface consisting of images based on the eight-rayed sun from the Philippine flag. Behind the scenes, volunteers Neil Summerour, Delve Withrington, and Grant Hutchinson have been compiling, assembling, and testing what will become the final typeface.
Availability of the Font Aid VII typeface will be announced soon.
Top: Piero Bembo, Max Kisman, Ralph Acosta
Bottom: Almamoun Ahmed, David Koeth, Jess McCarty
Top: Ed Hoskin, Josh Oakley, Hector Aspano
Bottom: Tânia Santos, Mehmet Gozetlik, Adrien Midzic
Top: Will Hum, Michael Doret, Hugo Belo
Bottom: Milena Smyrnova, Dário Cannatà, Pati Zywert
Top: Mikael Engblom, Patrick Griffin, Irina Wang
Bottom: Sofia Veiga, Lynn Wanitchinchai, Dave Bailey
Why the sun?
One of the most distinguishing components of the Philippine flag is the golden, radiating sun. For the Philippine people, it embodies their unity, freedom, democracy, and sovereignty — each ray of the sun representing one of the eight provinces involved in the country’s 1896 revolution against Spain. More commonly, the sun also symbolizes hope, light, the universal spirit, rebirth, and the beginning of a brand new day.
Spread the word!
We have prepared a series of Font Aid banners in several sizes for promoting this project. If you use one of these banners, all we ask is that you link back to the main Font Aid page. Thanks for your support.

Font Aid is a charitable endeavor. We wish to ensure that we provide the maximum support possible to the people and organization that need it. Any work submitted to a Font Aid project will be deemed a charitable gift and a work made for hire. Whenever possible, we are happy to credit the creativity of the participating designers.